皇家古斯米 Couscous Royale

“Royal” Couscous is pure French Parisian invention, not North African.


This Aussie lady demo Couscous Royale, which she said wrongly as Moroccan, shd be Parisian (if add Merguez saussages, etc).

The white chicken peas you can get in (~ $2+) canned 罐头 peas from Cold Storage or “Market” at Raffles City supermart.

Merguez sausage : get from Chompchomp French grocery shop (opposite Chompchomp hawker center, same shop row as the corner Roti-prata restaurant & Watson Pharmacy) , or replaced by similar German / Japan saussages from NTUC Fairprice Finest.

Saffron 藏红花 : avoid adding if any pregnant lady (can cause miscarriage).

The Couscous “San REMO” package easily from NTUC.

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