Duck Confit with Broccolini – 油封鸭


1. Coating duck legs with coarsed salt and spices (peppers, any herbs eg. Thymes, Rosemary, Bay leaf, Basil, or mixture of these in flakes). Cooling in fridge (30 mins).

2. Olive oil : cover completely duck legs, 3 hours (low heat at 125 C ) in oven

3. Sear in a pan (or oven 190 C for 10 mins) the duck skin till golden brown.

4. Sauce: wine, chicken stocks, butter, shallots, heat till reduced to half or thicken.

5. Salad: Broccoli or Harricots (French tiny beans) – immerse completely in boiling water (for salad crispyness, add 1 tsp salt to raise the boiling point above 100 C – by the law of Physical Chemistry), cook for 2.5 mins, then immerse immediately in cold (preferred iced-) water for 10 mins (to retain the fresh green color).


Easy to make this delicious “haute cuisine” (高级美食) duck confit (油封鸭), except too wasteful of olive oil (1litre) after cooking, unless reuse within a week (store in fridge).

At Sheng Siong Supermart, a raw duck leg is sold at S$4.50. If cook it within 3 days (package expiry period) then store it in normal fridge; otherwise put in the freezer, can last for 1 week or longer.

A dish of Duck Confit in a Singapore restaurant costs from $16++ to $25++.

Easiest Homemade Duck Confit

1. (The night before) Season duck legs in coarse salt, black pepper, herbs. Sealed in plastic bag. Chilled in Fridge overnight.

2. (Cooking day) Wash duck legs thoroughly. Dry with kitchen paper.

3. (Duck Oil – prepared from the duck fat).

4. Duck legs completely covered by duck oil in a deep pot (*). Heat oil to boiling, then lower the temperature (Electric stove set to “1” 号) till only seeing tiny bubbles at oil surface, continue simmering (煨) for 2 hrs (minimum) to 3 hours (preferred – for crispness 酥脆 duck meat ).

[Note: If you have a cast-iron deep pot (never use ceramic or glass pot which would crack in high temperature), it is easier to use Oven set at 150 C for 3 hours.]

5. Sear (煎) the duck skin in a separate pan for 1 min till brownish.

Note (*): If not enough duck oil, top up with other oil.

法国大菜: 油封鸭 Canard Confit – The Best Videos

Canard = Duck 鸭
Confit = “Preserving” 油封

Preserve Duck Legs for up to 6 months.

法国大菜 : Canard Confit 油封鸭 Duck Confit :

(这位台湾师傅的方法太复杂, 下面英文 Part 1 & 3 和 法文 Part 2 的讲解 方法比较全面, 也较简单)

1,000 NT = S$ 43

Part 1: (English) Preparation & Preservation :
♢ How to cut duck legs, duck breast
♢ Season duck legs (1 to 2 days before, store in fridge) with herbs, salts, etc.

Part 2: (French) Cook the Duck Confit

♢ Oven 120C for 2 1/2 hours.
♢ In a saucepan Sauté 2 mins the duck skin to golden brown & crispy.

3) Main Dish (English): Duck Confit Salad