保护心血管降压的食疗: 煎茄子糊

风味茄子糊 (hù)

Egg plant (茄子) has purple color skin of rich antioxidants, but difficult to cook : either too oily (if deep-fried 油炸) or brownish (oxidized) or soggy.

This TCM healthy recipe is good for heart and Blood Pressure : Pan-fried (煎) flour-coated (糊 \hù) eggplants with longan (龙眼肉 aka 桂圆) sauce.

Hawker center eggplants are deep-fried (油炸), look nice in purple but very unhealthily oily. Pan-fried (煎) is less oily with coated flour protection yet crispy (外脆内酥)。

茄子: 活血化瘀
但 偏凉 <- 中和 补心益气 (桂圆 aka 龙眼肉)

Eggplant is too “cool” (凉), so neutralised by longan (warm).

桂圆酱汁: 1:1 {盐, 白糖, 醋, 老抽, 生粉}

点缀: 芹菜切粒


1. 生粉: aka 太白粉 /干淀粉 Potato Starch (汤汁勾芡用: 凉后会稀释”还水“)

2. 玉米粉: Corn Starch (汤汁勾芡用: 凉后没有变化)