Michelin ‘Bib Gourmand’ Char Kway Teow 炒粿条


  1. 火候,用大炭火炒有锅气 (Wok Hei)
  2. 酱料用黑甜酱
  3. 油有脆猪渣 Pork Lard[*]
  4. 辣椒酱
  5. 鸡蛋 [**
  6. 蚌 (血蛤 Cockles)或 腊肠 & 虾仁
  7. 菜:豆芽&韭菜 Chives 或 菜心 Chye Sim[

[*]:小心 脆猪渣 ‘ TG’ (三甘油脂) 太高,会脑血管阻塞发生’TIA’ (小中风) 。少吃为妙!


]:新加坡50s年代的原版本用韭菜,特别香。后来因韭菜性辛辣使伤口难痊愈, 常打斗受伤的"黄牛党"流氓吃免费“霸王餐”时,强要求用菜心代替至今。马来西亚还是保留传统的韭菜。


家庭式健康无猪油炒粿条 Healthy Home Cook “Sans Pork Lard” Fried Kueh Teow

This Fried Kueh Teow, known locally in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand as the “Char Kueh Teow(炒粿条), is one of the top 3 signature dishes in Singapore (Unesco-to-be) Hawker Food (the other 2 dishes are Hainanese Chicken, Curry Fish Head).

For the cholestoral-conscious diners, I have modified the dish to replace some ingredients with more healthy substitutes. The cooking steps are still the same as shown in this excellent video.

Possible Ingredient Substitutes: chives by caisim (菜心) ,Chinese sausage (腊肠) by clams (血蛤) 。

It is best to cook each plate one by one, serve fresh and hot to enjoy immediarely !

My home cook healthy version of Fried Kueh Teow (with minimum ingredients: no sausage, pork lard, fish cake, prawns, add roasted pork, cherry tomatoes, caisim 菜心) :

炒㷄条 Char Kway Teow

Singapore Char Kway Teow no longer uses Chives (韭菜) now, replaced by Chai Sim (菜心) – that was related to the history in 1950s/60s when gangsters used to frequent these stalls without paying (吃霸王餐), who demanded the hawkers to cook without chives – as chives are not good for their wound healing after gang fights.

芙蓉(全麦)粿条 Foo Yong Kway Teow:

Tip: 镬气 (Wok Hei) – 撒酱料在镬(锅)沿(edge), 不是食物(粿条)里。



新加坡殖民期时代, 流氓专向小贩收保护费, 吃免费霸王餐, 不让炒粿条放韭菜(\jiu-cai, chive)。 原来流氓打斗常受伤, 不宜吃辛辣的食物。从此新加坡的炒粿条不放韭菜。



注意为何要标明 “左手炒粿条”?

因为右手较有力, 可以翻锅, 左手同时炒, 粿条受热均匀才好吃。

以后买粿条, 只光顾 “左手炒粿条”的小贩摊 !


美食寻根ⅡFood Hometown 2 新加坡炒粿条 Char KwayTeow 周初明 Chew Chor Meng (潮州人 Teochew):

中国人是天才”吃”的专家, 尤其是中国男人生下来就有煮菜的潜基因。

十世纪中国宋朝发明了炒锅(wok)和省薪(less fuel)快炒(Stir Fry)的功夫, 被13世纪的蒙古军带上马背, 驰骋欧亚大草原, 随地充饥填腹, 催马再战, 快速行军, 吓坏欧洲骑士。

沿海南方人飘洋过番到星马, 学马来人, 印度人, 娘惹的烹饪, 发明了特殊的南洋美食。

新加坡炒粿条是本地潮州人的发明, 名列本地三大佳肴 — 海南鸡饭, 印度咖喱鱼头, 炒粿条。

中国潮州原产地的炒粿条就是本地的河粉: 没有蚶, 没有黑甜酱 (那是向福建薄饼借来的)。

中国潮州人家里炒粿条, 就像北方人包饺子那样隆重。